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The Best Fitness BFINVER10 Inversion Table is designed to take advantage of the downward force of gravity to relieve pressure in your back. In one smooth, fluid move, you can safely go from an upright position to completely inverted. Just adjust the unit to accommodate your height and strap the ankle cuffs to secure a safe, comfortable fit. Then, lean back and enjoy the many benefits of inversion therapy, including less back and neck pain, fewer headaches, better posture, improved blood flow and less stress.
Your spine is constantly being compressed by the everyday activities of walking, running, climbing... even standing. Inversion therapy has become an extremely popular method of relieving the pressure on the discs and nerves situated between the vertebrae. Proponents also believe that inversion therapy restores proper alignment of the spine and can result in a stronger, healthier posture.
Many doctors and chiropractors agree that activity and exercise offer the best long-term solutions for back pain, joint stiffness and immobility. The Best Fitness BFINVER10 Inversion Table is designed to help you achieve both in the comfort and convenience of your own home.
7-position angled uprights provide for correct lifting position
4" liftoffs and 7" safety's with durable rubber surface pads provided
Sturdy "A" frame construction with 10 bolt assembly
Durable powder coated finish
Assembled size – 45"L x 56.5"H x 29.5"W
An ideal companion to the Best Fitness BFFID10 flat/ incline/ decline bench
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