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Sturdy aluminum body construction with scratch resistant UV coating
Easy-to-read LCD display can be set to display lbs. or kgs.
Ideal for routine screening of grip strength and initial and ongoing evaluation of clients with hand trauma and dysfunction. Body constructed from aluminium with a scratch resistant UV coating. The readout of this digital hand dynamometer displays isometric grip force from 0 - 200lbs. (90kg). The unit's easy-to-read LCD display can be set to display pounds or kilograms. The Jamar dynamometer also features Digital Load Cell Technology, Rapid Exchange Testing with audible signals and automatically calculates the Average, Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation. With a low battery light indicator and a two-minute automatic shut off feature it helps conserve the battery power. Uses two AAA batteries. Comes in a reusable storage container.
Instructions for use:
Set the adjustable handle to the desired position. Make sure that the handle clip is located at the lower (furthest) post from the guage. If you do not replace the handle to the correct position, innacurate readings will result.
Rotate the peak-hold needle counter-clockwise until it reaches zero.
Using the wrist safety strap ensures the continued accuracy of the North Coast Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer by minimising the chance of dropping and damaging the instrument. Let the patient arrange the instrument so so that it fits in the hand comfortably. Request the patient squeeze with maximum strength. The peak-hold needle will automatically record the highest force exerted.
After the patient has used the North Coast Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer, record the reading.
Reset the peak-hold needle to zero before recording new readings
Suggested Standard Procedures:
Have patient sit comfortably. The shoulder should be adducted and neutrally rotated. The elbow should be flexed to 90°. The forearm and wrist should be in a neutral position.
Place the North Coast Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer in the patient's hand. Use the wrist safety strap and gently support the base to prevent accidental dropping
Grip force should be applied smoothly, without rapid wrenching or jerking motion. A 0° to 30° wrist extension is permissible as miximal grip is achieved. Wrist positions other than extension or those exceeding 30° extension should be noted in the chart.
Documenting the results:
Generally, use the second Dynamometer handle potition and test each hand three times. Test the normal hand, followed by the injured hand. The mean of three trials is recoreded in wither kilograms or pounds.
To determine maximal effort, test each hand three times in all five handle positions. Test normal hand followed by injured hand. Record the average. Repeating the test after short rest periods helps determine if a patient is exerting maximum effort.(If the patient has carried out the test with full effort, there will be less than 10% variation in results for various grip positions. Larger, inconsistant variation between the tests indicates that the patient has not exerted maximum effort.)
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