Calf sleeves may be worn for many reasons. A neoprene calf sleeve can help to keep muscles warm during exercise. The increased blood flow may lead to better performance in sports and fewer injuries. A calf support sleeve also helps to guard against cramping.
An indoor sports shinguard is a necessity for those who take part in contact sports like floorball, baseball, lacrosse, hockey and any other number of sports in which the shins can take a beating. Pro Therapy Supplies offers a unique floorball shinguard from Rehband that is durable, comfortable and effective at protecting legs. The neoprene shinguard does double duty by relieving pain via compression and promoting healing. The soft shinguard helps bruises to heal more quickly, thanks to an increase in blood flow. A soft floorball shinguard is important for anyone who plays either recreational or competitive floorball.
A shin splint sleeve is also useful for calf injuries. Muscles that are prone to injury or cramping can be both relieved and protected by a soft indoor sports shinguard.