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Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation. Release endorphins - amino acids that work as the body's natural painkiller. The Massage Therapy Starter Pack makes a great gift idea
The Theracane is a deep pressure massage cane which can be used to gently massage tender points in the muscles. You can easily massage any part of your body by using one of the six strategically placed projections. A minimal amount of arm movement and gentle pressure is all you need for effective treatment. Each Theracane comes with a fully illustrated 14 page instructional manual. The Theracane weighs one pound and is made of durable, fiberglass material.
Cando Black Composite Foam Roller 6" x 36" Round
For positioning, balance, postural and muscle re-education, spinal stabilization, body awareness and coordination, and ranging and strengthening activities. Half-round roller for ankle stretching and knee rehabilitation; use half roll as rocker board by standing on flat side; diameter refers to the width of the half-round profile. Foam rollers and half rollers are strong enough to be used by large adults and active children.
Pro-Tec Roller Massager
By rolling the Roller Massager along the area of tightness, you can perform a self-massage or Myofascial release. Myofascial release has been shown to relieve various muscle and joint pains such as IT band syndrome and shin splints as well as improving flexibility and range of motion. A full color instruction manual covering over 20 massage and trigger point release techniques for your entire body is included. Product Design: 22" long
RumbleRoller Original Clear Beastie Massage Ball with Base
Beastie Series products expand the RumbleRoller experience to provide more intense, versatile, portable, and affordable massage options. The Beastie is an aggressive massage ball that is the heart of this series. We wanted you to have not just a great massage ball, but the best possible massage ball. So we invested considerable time, attention, and resources in its development. The Base serves as an adapter to removably attach the Beastie to either a wall or the Beastie Wall System. The detachable base is more than just a place to park your Beastie when you're done using it. It's a fundamental, patent pending part of the Beastie system, and it provides distinct benefits.
Pressure Positive Company The Knobble II Sapphire Blue
Now you can enjoy the personal comfort of a massage in the convenience of your own home. The Knobble II is about the size of a door knob, and offers an incredible massaging sensation. Simply hold the base in the palm of your hand, and use its smoothly rounded tip to provide relief on soft tissue pressure points. You have never experienced so much relaxation from a personal massager like this before!
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Your satisfaction is important to us. If for some reason you are not satisfied with our product(s), simply ship the remaining bottle(s), unused, back to us at your cost for a refund.
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