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"Bare bones" essential information for course and board exam review
Organized by region with organ subsystems
Robust index for accessing information
Ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and graduate students
Spiral bound, 224 pages, 50 illustrations
The Anatomical Chart Company - Clinical Anatomy for Your Pocket is a pocket-sized flipbook that serves as a premier ancillary reference, review, and study tool for human gross anatomy with a strong focus on high-yield topics and presentation. It includes the "bare bones" minimum essential information needed for course and board exam review in a concise, quick-reference format with tables and bullet-point text including mnemonics ("memory tips") and an introduction to terminology. This is a "just-the-facts" reference that intuits how students typically study for exams and provides this highly distilled content in one easily portable source.
Organized by region with organ subsystems as appropriate, Clinical Anatomy for Your Pocket contains a robust index, which aids in accessing information. This pocket book is ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and graduate school students and appropriate for A&P courses in nursing, pre-pharmacy, pre-med, or kinesiology.
Additional Information
Spiral bound.
Pages: 224.
Illustrations: 50.
A companion Website offers an interactive question bank.
ISBN-10: 0-7817-9193-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-9193-9
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